Top Family Friendly Car Gadgets

Top family friendly car gadgets - Car seat tablet holder

“Are we there yet?” It’s a clichéd line from every long car journey a family takes in a film, but it’s also a stone cold fact that it happens in every long car journey a family takes in real life too.

Luckily, unlike parents from the olden days, we’re now able to distract our kids with awesome gadgets.

Most cars focus more on giving the driver what they need to get where they’re going, leaving you to find ways to entertain the backseat drivers.

Here are some suggestions to make your journey that much more peaceful and enjoyable.

Backseat DVD Players/iPad holders

One surefire way to keep kids entertained during long drives is to plug them into their favourite cartoons or movies with a holder for tablets that attaches to the back of the front seats.

Even better if they can plug their headphones into them so you don’t have to listen to 5 hours of SpongeBob Square Pants, but either way it surely beats the alternative.

phone charging in the car

Car Seat Trays

One of the reasons kids get antsy when they’ve been in a car for a long time is that there’s just not much they can do while they’re sat there.

A travel car seat tray changes all of that by bringing a world of fun to their laps so they can doodle with crayons, watch their iPads, play games and do all the fun stuff they do at home, but in the car.

Backseat Organiser

Strap to the back of your front seats and offer loads of pouches for your kids to keep their snacks, toys, pens, iPads and all the other miscellaneous ‘stuff’ that they absolutely need to take with them on every journey.

Not only does it keep it all accessible for them, but it also hopefully keeps the car tidier for you.

USB Charger

You’ll have noticed that we’ve mentioned iPads and tablets a lot so far.

Kids burn through battery charges on these pretty quickly, so it’s also worth having this USB charger available for emergency charging of whatever gadget has been used too much.

It’s a useful gadget all the time of course, but it can be a lifesaver on those long family journeys.

Mini Fridge

You might have thought that having a mini fridge in a car was something that was only available in a stretch limo, but it’s possible for anyone now, with mini fridges that can also act as heaters.

They’re perfect for keeping drinks and snacks cool on hot days and can generally be charged through USB, cigarette lighters, etc.

Car Air Purifier

We’re not saying your kids smell, but long journeys in a full car can get a bit ripe sometimes, especially if snacks are being eaten in the back of the car or if there’s a dog joining you on your journey.

A car air purifier keeps everything smelling fresh as a daisy.

You can check out our family friendly cars here.

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